

Lackland AFB Ambulatory Care Center (ACC)

Contract Value
680,000 SF
Project Size
San Antonio, TX

Scope of Work

SIOTS provided comprehensive IOT&A services for the DoD’s largest ambulatory care center located at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA).


Over a 5-year planning and implementation period, SIOTS’ team provided over 75,000 man-hours, delivered $43M in commodities, and installed over 30,000 line items.


SIOTS conducted 3 sets of user meetings for 60+ departments to determine FF&E needs and optimize the CID and equipment packages. SIOTS conducted a complete inventory of the Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center to assess the reuse potential of existing products within the newly built environment.


Ultimately 8,300 items were designated for reuse, while approximately 300 truckloads were sent to DRMO. SIOTS successfully coordinated the relocation of 70 departments and over 2,000 staff members, with no departmental closures lasting longer than 3 days.

Design Spotlight

The site design for the Lackland ACC included plazas and gardens throughout the building’s interior and rooftops. SIOTS’ artwork specialists commissioned the creation of 3 original sculptures by artist Matthew Placzek for the Lackland ACC sculpture garden.

Background SVG
“Soaring” a 36 foot stainless steel sculpture symbolizing flight, movement, and space.
“Majestic Flight” a 18 foot sculpture, emblematic of the feeling of flight, which depicts 2 Bald Eagles representing the Airforce and Army military branches located at Joint Base San Antonio.
“Circling” a 18 foot sculpture representing the healing properties of nature and flight in its most organic form.
Evidence-based design utilizes natural elements to promote a sense of wellbeing, reduce stress, and improve patient outcomes.